Anatomy of a Tech Blog

May 28, 2021 · 4 min read · 13 views

Being aware of what the best minds are up to in the tech inspires and helps many. Be it a new technology, know-how, best practices, or your mistakes. It definitely makes someone's life easier.

So here I am setting up my own blog and trying to [ Learn in Public ](, so it helps me and others.

An active and useful blog also adds value in building a 'tech' brand. But how do I get started? Writing is not natural to me. Code is.

While looking for a writing framework, I found how to break down the process and make it doable.

Defining the WHY? Define Why.png

Having a clear understanding of the purpose of the blog makes it much easier to pen it. So why would you write?

1. To help you think and understand better

Writing things will bring clarity and structure to concepts which are vague and unstructured. Writing helps you think better.

2. A Personal Problem Solving Story

Documenting a personal problem you solved or an alternative solution you found. It will also help your future self.

3. Share Knowledge

To let others know what you do and how you do it. Writing to teach and simplify ideas is a valuable skill that gets you recognized.

Now let's dive in!

1. Create an outline for your post.


  • Introduction - give some context, how it started (make it personal) and where this post fits in the bigger picture. Also, tell what to expect in the next sections. It is easier to think of a problem you encountered and then go on to explain the process.

  • Main points - deliver what you promised. But direct the flow with proper signs and necessary lists and formatting. Here's where you give the solution.

  • Conclusion - summarize the post for those who stuck till the end and those who skipped right to the bottom. This will give them something to take back or go and read the post with interest.

2. Have a kickass topic name

eye grab.jpg Which grabs eyeballs! This is how you get people to read what you write.

3. Keep it short, Keep it simple

short and simple.jpg As much as possible! Try to summarize huge paragraphs into 2-3 sentences where you can. Add references or other links where necessary, rather than explaining in detail.

4. Break it down! Use lots of subheaders break it down.jpeg People have short attention spans, and most only scan a post before even reading everything. So break it down into smaller headings and try to tell a story with that.

5. Code! And Pics! And Gifs! And Graphs!

A picture is worth a thousand words

Use 'em because people love visuals and remember it better. It also makes the post more humane, relatable, and enjoyable. And give credit where it's due.

6. Check it!

check it.jpeg Before you publish - proofread, get a second opinion and always be ready to edit!

Keep in mind - Has it helped you? Can it help someone else too? philip-veater-Y58Sww9SR1c-unsplash.jpg When you write, keep in the aim in mind. If you've spent hours learning a skill to solve a problem and can teach it to someone in a few minutes - that’s great!

help happy.jpg And also, just because it isn't the "best article" on your topic doesn't mean that there's no point in writing it. Your personal experience is valuable, even if it doesn't seem to you.

Remember, sharing is caring. ^_^